Mawiyah Kai EL-Jamah Bomani
Mawiyah Kai EL-Jamah Bomani is a native New Orleanian Writer and Spirit Woman. Mawiyah’s writings have appeared in The Crab Orchard Review, Dark Eros, Catch The Fire, Freeform Magazine, Beyond The Frontier, Kente Cloth, Fertile Ground, Family Portraits, Chicken Bones: A Literary Journal, Survival Digest Quarterly, From A Bend In The River, Thicker Than Water, The House of Misfit’s Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, and Women’s Issues and Feminism in the 21st Century. She is co-writer/director of the play Brown Blood Black Womb. She is the recipient of the Southern Black Theatre Festival’s 2012-2013 Playwright of the year award for her play, Spring Chickens. Mawiyah is also the author of the plays Crows Feet, Bourbon, Men of the AmonRa Society, and Hair Anthem.
Mawiyah is an educator, 8th Generation Witch, Egun Medium, Priestess of OYA in the Yoruba system of spirituality and she is addressed divinely as Iyanifa Faniyi Aboyade Omobola Bomani. She is Editor-In-Chief of the culture and Afrikan Traditional Spirituality E-Zine, Oya N'Soro.
In the Fall of 2008, Mawiyah received an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of New Orleans. Mawiyah currently lives, writes, conducts Orisa rituals, spiritual consultations, womb-warrior women workshops, house cleansings, esentayes, and divinations in both Northern and Southern Louisiana. Mawiyah is currently working on a Middle-Grade series titled The Cool Beans Ghost Hunter Society. It serves to explore the inclusiveness of special needs superheroines and heroes in literature. She is also working on a collection of Poetry inspired by the Tarot, titled Dead Msn Stew. Mawiyah is the Critical Mass 8 Literary Award Winner and a KAT Artist Residency recipient. Mawiyah is currently hosting the podcast FishHeadsinRedGravy a podcast dedicated to celebrating marginalized people of the esoteric/occult world.